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Street view of Ukrainian cities on Google

A street view service of Ukrainian cities Kiev, Kharkiv, Lviv, Odessa and Donetsk is now available on Google!

Tours to Festivals and Fairs

If you are a music fan or love arts, crafts and creative activities, this page is for you. Our team suggests you to visit this website frequently to read about upcoming festivals, fairs and shows in Ukraine.

Discover Ukraine can develop an individual trip or a group tour for you to visit any event of Ukrainian culture and arts. The most popular annual events are listed below, but there is a number of other local events of cultural life in various areas of the country, all around the year.

We can design your travel plan to adjust to your specific needs, interests, or special requirements related to your hobbies. Please, check up the descriptions of our services and costs and trust us to develop your travel ideas into an unforgettable tour about Ukraine. Please, do not hesitate to contact us and order any information or services connected with visiting Ukrainian culture and arts festivals and shows. 

Sheshory Festival of Ethnic Music

The Shesory festival of ethnic music is held annually, in early summer, in Western Ukraine. Musical groups and individual performers come up to the stage of the festival for 3 days in June. Participants from all European countries enjoy living in a friendly international wild nature tent-town, and one can hear ethnic music played by professional and amateur players all over the place, 24 hours a day! The welcoming, creative environment of the festival cannot leave anybody indifferent. If you are a fan of ethnic music, come to Sheshory next year, and see by yourself!
Picture gallery: Sheshory Ethnic Music Festival

Sorochinsky Yarmarok

Sorochinsky Yarmarok is the biggest national week-long trade fair, held annually near the city of Poltava, in Sorochintsy village. The fair has been held here at harvest time, each August, through centuries.
Today, the fair serves for two purposes - to demonstrate old style national traditions of crafts and popular art (you can buy craft works and souvenirs which are brought from all corners or Ukraine), and to provide a presentation field for products of modern Ukrainian industries. Visiting the annual fair i
s a wonderful entertaining excursion into old Ukrainian culture.
Picture gallery:
Sorochinsky Yarmarok

Koktebel Jazz Festival

The biggest annual jazz event in Ukraine is held in Crimean coastline settlement of Koktebel - a picturesque seaside area, which has fascinating history and is famous for being the recreation place for artists, literary workers, poets and singers of Russia since the beginning of the 19-th century.
Picture gallery:
Koktebel Jazz Festival


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