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A street view service of Ukrainian cities Kiev, Kharkiv, Lviv, Odessa and Donetsk is now available on Google!

The Carpathian National Park

The Carpathian National Park or the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve, as it's called in Ukraine, is one of the biggest and most interesting objects of the Ukrainian Nature Reservation Fund. Almost 2.5 % of the territory of Carpathian region is protected by the reserve, ecosystems of which are regarded as the most valuable on our planet, and since 1993 they are a part of the UNESCO international network of biosphere reserves.

The Carpathian Biosphere Reserve, which total population is 57880 hectares, consists of six separate areas and botanical reserves of the government significance Chorna Hora (Chorna Mountain) and Yulivska Hora (Yulivska Mountain). They are situated on the territory of Rakhov, Khustsky, and Vinogradovsky districts in Carpathian region at the heights within 180-2061 meters. Such territorial structure represents almost all the landscape and biological variety of the Ukrainian Carpathian Mountains. Here  Carpathian ecosystems can be found, which have the best state of preservation and reserve many unique and endangered species of animals and plants.

In the reserve, there are 64 plant and 72 animal species which are recorded in the Red List and the European Red List. The climate of the Carpathian Reserve differs from lukewarm in the Valley of daffodils (from 17°C in January to 19°C in June, the precipitation pattern 650 mm per year) to cold on the mountain tops (from -7-8.5°C in January to 11-15°C in June, the precipitation pattern 980-1500 mm per year).

The reserve is characterized by a great variety of soil cover. Almost 90 % of its territory is covered with forests, to which clay-colored and dark-brown mountain forest soils are peculiar. Clay-colored soils are peculiar to the upper forest line.  In the highlands turf mountain soils with podzol and mountain meadow brown soils prevail.

The Carpathian Biosphere Reserve has a great biotope representativeness, which specifies the wide spectrum of biotopes on its territory. Here the full complex of the altitudinal belt of the Ukrainian Carpathians is represented – from elements of submountain meadows and oak-groves to the Alpine belt with meadow, and cliff with lichen landscapes. The territory of the reserve is generally covered with forests which make more than 90 % of the total area. Meadow cenoses only cover about 5 % of the reserve territory and are represented on lower water meadows of the Valley of daffodils area, in the highlands and forest meadows. The rest of the territory is occupied by rocks, stone scatterings, and streams. Each of the areas that belong to the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve differs with its peculiar unique natural objects. The most remarkable sight of the Chornogorsky area is the highest point of Ukraine − Goverla, which rises at the height of 2061 m above sea level. Not far from it there are other Carpathian Mountains which are higher than 2000 m – Petros, Rebra, Brebeneskul and etc.  The landscape of Chornogorskiy chain highlands has traces of ancient ice formations with peculiar glacial forms – picturesque kars and trog valleys.  The mountainsides are covered with impenetrable primeval age-old forests where conifers prevail. 


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