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A street view service of Ukrainian cities Kiev, Kharkiv, Lviv, Odessa and Donetsk is now available on Google!

Dolphin shows in Kharkiv


new dolphins place in KharkovThe Kharkiv Dolphinarium is almost prepared to its first performance in the end of June. It is expected to be the biggest dolphinarium in Ukraine, which is located about 680 km from the Black Sea. Four dolphins, three seals and a sea lion have been brought from Odessa Dolphinarum to Kharkov. 

Mass Media have informed that in half of a year an oceanarium will also be open in Kharkiv. It will include a center of dolphin therapy, which will be offered to children with special kinds of illnesses and disabilities.

The dolphinarium is located in central city, in the Shevchenko Garden near the Kharkiv Zoo. There are one thousand seats on the tribunes. The ticket will cost from 50 to 80 hrn ($8-$11).

dolphin shows in Kharkov will soon attract visitorsThere are also dolphin theaters in a number of other cities on Ukraine, but mostly in the Black Sea coast cities: , , .

In Sevastopol, one can also visit the famous Aquarium, where thousands of unusual species of ocean fish and organisms are displayed for tourists. The Aquarium is located on the territpry of a research center for study of ocean biology of tropuical and subtropical seas.




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