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The Cheapest Travel Deals
Contact us to request the cheapest possible services for your tour about Ukraine. Our team will take care of all travel related arrangements and find the least expensive services for you, including-
transportation plan/reservations
- accommodation plan/reservations
- sightseeing excursions, list of options
- guiding around places, by phone
- various city services, listings and directions
- 24/7 phone assistance service
Pay $110 for full trip package, and save $1000+ during your trip!
If you would like to have an economy trip designed for you by our experts, you will only need to pay the trip-design fee, and within a few days, you will receive the daily/hourly plan of your trip, individually designed to meet your particular needs. Your trip plan developed specifically for you by our team, will become your complete tour-guide about Ukraine. The advantages are obvious:
- You will have reservations and prearrangements for all services that you will need in all cities of your visit, at the lowest possible prices.
- You will remain totally independent, and you will make all services' payments directly to the service providers (no deposit fees, no middle people, no marked up prices).
- Within the $110 fee, you will also have 24/7 connection with our team by phone. Our worker will always be ready to help you with additional information or advice. Assistance by phone during the whole time of your trip is included into the $110 service package cost.
- You will have listings of all city services and places that you may need to visit, with addresses, contact people and full directions.
- Our team will be "invisible", but at hand and ready to assist all the time.
Along with the detailed plan and information about all services for your trip, we'll send you all necessary contact information of hotels (apartment owners) with preliminary reservations, most convenient transportation connections and places where you can purchase your transportation tickets, and other reservations for all services that you will request. Our proposal will also contain listings of places to visit in each city, like night clubs, sport facilities, restaurants, entertainment clubs and all other places that you may want to visit.
Contact our service team to discuss your travel preferences, and we'll start working on your trip design right away.
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For calls within Ukraine: +38 050 688 3195