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A street view service of Ukrainian cities Kiev, Kharkiv, Lviv, Odessa and Donetsk is now available on Google!


For international calls and voice messages: +1 303 495 5384
For calls within Ukraine: +38 050 688 3195  

Culture and Language


What language do Ukrainians speak? I heard that many Ukrainians know both - Russian and Ukrainian, but prefer one of the two depending on the area they live in. Is this true?
Ukrainian is official language in Ukraine. In Western Ukraine, people commonly speak Ukrainian; however, Russian language is widely used in the Eastern part of Ukraine.
In general, the similarities of the Ukrainian and Russian languages facilitates mutual understanding and communication between people who know only one of the two languages.
All street nameplates and other signs are in Ukrainian, announcements in public transport are also made in that language. More and more nameplates appear in English, but only few while. There are a lot of people in Ukraine who can answers simple questions in English. Majority of Ukrainians are friendly and hospitable and will help you to the best of their abilities.

How do I know about Ukrainian holidays, which are declared as official days off?
January, 1 - New Year’s Day
January, 7 - Orthodox Christmas
March, 8 - International Women’s Day
Easter - celebrated on one of Sundays between April,4 and May,8 (according to Orthodox Church traditions)
May, 1 - Labor Day
May, 9 - Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War
Whitsunday - The Day of the Trinity is celebrated on the eight Sunday after Easter as one of the most important Holidays on the Orthodox Church calendar
June, 28 - Ukraine’s constitution Day
August, 24 - Independence Day

Are there any general standards of tipping in Ukraine?
As all over the world those serving you in restaurants, clubs, hotels and taxis depend on tips for their income as much or more as they do on salaries. 
An amount equal to 10% of your bill is considered normal in restaurant and similar places where you received good service from an individual. Also be attentive checking your bill, because there are as some restaurants automatically include a service charge (usually 10%).
It isn’t uncommon to leave 10 or 20 UAH for the chambermaid who has served during your stay.

What are the main rules of etiquette in Ukraine?
In each country there are certain particularities of behavior. Knowing them helps to overcome cross-cultural barriers and to socialize easier with the local people. Ukraine is a European country which makes the way of life of its people and the behavior rules more or less predictable to the foreigners. Nevertheless, the national traditions and beliefs are very strong in Ukraine, having a unique impact on the mentality of people and the etiquette in Ukraine. Here are several rules which may help you during your stay in Ukraine. Please, read more on the page Etiquette in Ukraine

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